Airlines spend a lot of time, effort and resources on optimization. They must.
Here's our top 5 of important profit factors that many airlines overlook:
Inadequate long term coordination of fleet needs causes slacks in available capacity. Misfits between planning of production, fleet mutations & maintenance checks form significant avoidable costs.
The costs of peak sensitive ground resources easily exceed 15% of total costs. A major blind spot in flight cost calculations is the use of flat fees for these categories.
In this industry, the urge to close a sale is large. However, a high load factor is not the same thing as optimal revenue.
The most popular industry measures to improve punctuality are longer block times and longer turn times.
Too often models and expensive data give a false sense of comfort. They can even stand in the way of innovation.
Every airline in the world will find at least one of these topics to be relevant. Sometimes maybe only after lifting a lid or two...
The good news is that there is still significant perspective to improve profits!
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